Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tvfreeload No Longer Free Is Anyone Else Having Trouble Loading TvFreeload Forum?

Is anyone else having trouble loading TvFreeload forum? - tvfreeload no longer free

I tried in vain to get on the website for a few days, but now if I get an error message that states:

The requested URL could not be found
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following issue:
Unable to determine IP host name for Address
The name server returned:
Server error was: The server does not process the request.
This means that:
The cache could not bring himself presented the hostname in the URL.
Check the address is correct.

What does this mean? This page no longer exists? : (


Anonymous said...

This means that the server has an IP address, its possible connection is connected.

I checked the connection site. I followed the package and got the connection failed.

Firefox: "Server not found", the online site is more likely. This does not mean the final over, but only temporarily.

Anonymous said...

The website was down, I am unable to access the site, in fact I can not areas. ( example. ...)

This distance can be permanently or temporarily, may have been taken for legal reasons, such as the downloading of TV shows and movies. However, I suspect is temporary, because what happened before (in April 2008, July 2009).

Visit this page if you have never done this kind of problem again.

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