Saturday, January 23, 2010

Science Of Muscle Building Muscle Contraction Science Homework. Dont Understand. Due Tomorrow?

Muscle contraction science homework. dont understand. due tomorrow? - science of muscle building

Please tell me some aerobic similarities and differences between the muscle contractions and anaerobic. How can I distinguish a different one? Please give links or other information. the process of each contraction explains.


Mahmoud said...

the body produces most of its ATP aerobically in the mitochondria, without the production of lactic acid and other by-products of fatigue. During the year, method of ATP production depends on the ability of the person and the duration and intensity of exercise. In low activity when the exercise will continue for a long time (few minutes) or longer, the energy by combining oxygen with carbohydrates and aerobic production of body fat reserves. Activity is higher in intensity, duration may reduce the intensity increases, ATP Production May shift to anaerobic path, such as the use of creatine phosphate and the phosphagen system and anaerobic glycolysis. Aerobic ATP production is biochemically very much slower and can be used for a long duration, low intensity exercise, but no fatigue produces waste that can not immediately be withdrawn from the sarcomere and body and leads to one of the molecules of ATP per molecule of fatty , or carbohydrates. Aerobic exercise can provide the system with more oxygen to be effective, allstart because of the aerobic metabolism in the near future. Size of anaerobic ATP production ATP much faster, allowing near maximal exercise intensity, but also produces large quantities of lactic acid does take a high intensity exercise lasting more than a few minutes phosphagen system. The anaerobic enables the highest training intensity, but intramuscular phosphocreatine stores are very limited and can provide energy for the years up to ten seconds. Recovery is very fast, fully regenerated creatine stores in five minutes.

ansq said...

The mechanism of contraction is the same. The process is produced by the energy necessary for contraction (ATP), is different. You oxidative phosphorylation in the presence of oxygen and anaerobic phosphorylation in the absence of oxygen. This is the distinction that you seek.

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