Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Fish Stick In A Tux Anyone For A Little Fish Psychology?

Anyone for a little fish psychology? - a fish stick in a tux

So I ask myself: Where do fish know their own kind? And yet, their own colors? I am developing a community tropical aquarium 55 gallons, and I am fascinated by day. This is a new tank, and I started to add fish gradually over 8 weeks. My result is: Mollies sunburst 2, 2 Red Mollies Mollies 2 Dalmatian (white with black spots), a black with white spots, 5 Zebra Danios, 2 Ghostfish, 2 gouramis (powder blue and a sunset color), 2 male guppies neon tux and 1 algae eater Plecco.

Here's what I had done. Each fish sticks with its own color! You see, I was 6 years Mollies, two of each color and the color they are hold. What I find fascinating.

Does anybody know why and how?


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