Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Is Good What Kind Of Weave To Buy For An Afro Weave?

What kind of weave to buy for an afro weave? - what kind of weave is good

My afro is moderately long and thick, but I have some beautiful pictures of beautiful and huge Afros were obtained by the use of tissues. I know there are many substances straight hair, but what kind of fabric I can buy to achieve an afro? When I go to a beauty salon, what kind of fabric can I order?


pineappl... said...

Afro-extensions are a bit harder to find because they are not as marketable as smooth hair. There are few places that its members, but. Curl the baby is a beautiful curly afro. I've heard great things about hair turns Khamit. They also have a large gallery with photos of African species of Weaving:

Here are some others: ... ... ... ...

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